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Bible Gateway
Searchable online Bible--type in a few words, a citation, a name--whatever. Filter results by Testament and book; read just one verse, the verse in context, or the whole chapter.
Book of Concord
Online version of the Confessions of the Lutheran Church, with introductions to the various parts, search capability, and more.
Facebook Joint Facebook page for Zion and St. Paul's with all the latest news.
Higher Things "Dare to be Lutheran." Site for youth and
young adults as well as those who work
with them.
Instagram Inspiration and news from Zion and St. Paul's.
Introducing the Books of the Bible Audio podcast series with LCMS pastor Bryan Wolfmueller--approximately one hour per book.
Issues, Etc. "Talk radio for the thinking Christian."
Interviews with leading theologians,
journalists, and public figures, all
conducted from a Lutheran perspective.
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Official web site of the denomination to which
Zion belongs.
Lutheran Theology Web Site Essays and other posts intended to promote,
extend, and defend the theology of
confessional Lutheranism.
Lutheran Witness
Online version of the LCMS magazine that helps readers understand the world from a Lutheran perspective.
Luther's Small Catechism
Online version of the entire text, explaining the six chief elements of Christian faith: the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Confession, and the Sacrament of the Altar.
Minnesota South District Official web site of the LCMS district to which
Zion belongs.
One-Year Bible Read through the entire Bible in one year! Click on the "Daily One Year Readings" link to see each day's readings, then click on the link provided to access the full texts on Bible Gateway.
S.A.G.E.S. "Saints Alive! Growing, Ever Serving" is a ministry of the Minnesota South District, organized to enhance the Older Adult Ministry by providing experiences in Christian fellowship, service, and life enrichment.
Word of Hope Ministry of Lutherans For Life. Anyone who is in a crisis situation, has had an abortion, is pregnant, or has been hurt by someone can call 630-990-0909 or email help@word-of-hope.org for confidential, Christian help.
The Word of the Lord Endures Forever New Bible study podcast taught by Rev. William Weedon.
Joint YouTube channel for Zion and St. Paul's service and sermon videos.